Finding Solitude in the Scottish Highlands

Jun 15, 2024


The Scottish Highlands have always been a place of mystery and allure for me. Stepping off the train in Inverness, I felt a sense of excitement and trepidation. This solo trip was about more than just travel; it was about finding a deeper connection with nature and myself.

Loch Ness and Great Glen Way

I began my journey with a visit to Loch Ness, the legendary home of the Loch Ness Monster. Though I didn't spot Nessie, the serene waters and surrounding hills provided the perfect backdrop for reflection. Hiking along the Great Glen Way, I was struck by the beauty of the heather-clad hills and the crisp, clean air.

Climbing Ben Nevis

One of the highlights was reaching the summit of Ben Nevis, the highest peak in the UK. Standing at the top, I felt a profound sense of accomplishment and peace. The view was breathtaking, a panoramic sweep of rugged landscapes that seemed to stretch on forever.


This journey through the Scottish Highlands was more than just a trip; it was a transformative experience. I returned home with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for the beauty of solitude.

